Wednesday, September 20, 2006

HipHop's Dana Dane: One Man's Perspective

Dana Dane visited NCCU for the the formal announcement of the University's HipHop initiative.

Dane is a HipHop legend, and one of it's pioneers. He shares with NCCU students how HipHop has shaped his life.

Emily Gunter

Obituaries are a good way to see how peole lived. Writing your own obituarry is a good way to force you to think about how you want to live.

Emily Gunter shares some insights with students as to how they can design their lives, then live them.

Mass Media Society

This is the masterblog for Fall 2006 classes. Your blogs are your voice to the world.

Contribute to them as often as you'd like. The Blogroll is listed on the side for everyone in the class.

Read and respond to your classmate's blogs, and tell your friends about them.